60% gain last year is a bold statement some would say – well it actually did happen for FinGoPro 01. FinGoPro 05 was not far behind with its 57% profit made for customers. Expert Advisors also made money for many customers but there were losses happening as well. Here are the results for 2024
When looking at all the different accounts I have access to I can say that Social Trading performed the best considering the price point and ease of use. FGP05 did have a losing month but it recovered well and the year ended in good profit. Who took losses was around breakeven by end of 2024. Drawdown levels were well managed & personally I was glad to see that risk management was actually executed. I am now considering adding more funds to FGP05 myself as I know what is coming with the updated Kraitos software. I expect 2025 to be as good if not better as last year.
In short Social Trading stands for segregated account based trading with a reputable Forex broker where a fund manager takes care of the trading decisions. It is completely hands free for the user. If you want to know in more detail just google “PAMM accounts in Forex”.
Here is a link to FGP05 history.
FGP01 history has been largely private but here is a screenshot of 2024.

The picture with Experts Advisors or EA-s as we call it is not straight forward. Read on to make your own conclusions.
Kraitos did make a profit for many people including myself but there were also users who took losses. It seems like this will always be the case with EA-s where the user has a large degree of control over settings. Mainly it seemed either too risky settings or not adjusting settings according to the developer as Kraitos was tuned down to more conservative over the last year. Kraitos also had several updates in code and strategy. Elite version was released – the verdict on that is still out there. Kraitos classic is still a solid performer!
Kraitos X turned out to be a handful because of how Gold behaved in the last quarter. Some users made a killing but some got the equity protector hit. Kraitos X now has “one trade strategy” that will avoid such losses in the future. Lets see if it will turn a profit this year. One trade strategy Myfxbook link. Backtest results are here.
Flash did turn a profit in 2024 but the risk level was too high for my taste so as soon as I get out of the current positions, I will not run Flash on live accounts. I have to add that I was impressed with Flash when it comes to Gold breakout strategy – it handled the big moves like a champ but would still not run on a live account.
Gearbox took losses for some users in November/December when USDCAD went wild. The challenge with Gearbox is that the strategy is adjusted after the losses have already happened. One could of course increase gears in anticipation of US elections but most did not do that. Gearbox 3.0 which has hedging did soften the fall but it still was painful. Usually there is a fast recovery after such losses – remains to be seen if Gearbox will rapidly recover those losses or not. I do have one account that is in profit even with losses taken in December – it is running a custom setup with shorter timeframes, so it reacts faster to changes in the markets.
Crypto Advantage has had a bumpy ride so far and according to official statements is currently 100% hedged until the fund manager returns. Before his leave it was closing out losing positions from profit made. I assume that about 30-50% of the drawdown has been closed out so far. Hopefully 2025 will conclude with Crypto Advantage as a winner.
John Wick Signals started on the right foot but things slowed down and quality of signals dropped from February. Unluckily it was the month when Signals based EA Raidar was released so Raidar did not take off as hoped by many. Previous years had 2x the amount of pips. It remains to be seen what Signals will do this year.
Check out John Wick Signals data here.

What to expect from 2025?
I am pretty sure that markets will offer surprises this year too. When last year was the year of political elections all around the world, this year probably will be the year of policy changes and revamping of global trade deals/agreements – this translates into strong (sometimes surprising) movements in Forex. I expect this year to have trending markets for the most part with some periods of ranging & accumulating.
In my humble opinion Social Trading was king last year and probably will be this year too. I am expecting a movement away from customers using EA-s to Social Trading because of 2 reasons: pricing and performance/time ratio.
If you are using Flash or Gearbox with live accounts, I would determine SL levels and may be make them more conservative than usual. Kraitos with default settings is already tuned down in terms of risk and should be fine with current default settings. With the addition of hedging and single trade strategy, Kraitos Elite is safer than it ever has been. KraitosX with one trade strategy should do well also in 2025 – backtests predict that but of course it remains to be seen if this will manifest!